Weight, Lift, Thrust, and Drag! Learn how objects fly! Make 5 -6 different aircraft during this 3-hour workshop and compare how these forces act on each. The cost for this workshop is $60. Children 8+ may be dropped off at TinkerSpace for the duration of the workshop (with a signed waiver) or parents are welcome to stay and work with their children. (Note: children under 8 are welcome to participate in the workshop with parental assistance.)
In this workshop, participants are introduced to the design process. You are encouraged to plan, build, get feedback, redesign, retest. Come back to TinkerSpace anytime we are open to the public to continue the design process and add to your creation. Admission is required. If you wish to bundle four (4) additional work sessions, you may do so for an additional $45. (A total of $105 for the initial 3-hour session and 4 follow-up work sessions.). The follow-up sessions are treated as any other visit to TinkerSpace in that parental supervision is required.
Members: The cost of the 3-hour Power of Flight workshop is $45.
Registration for this event is required. Please use this form to register: https://forms.gle/cr5xUrSoLczz8K9S6